istock | ©Morsa Images

Health Workshops

At a time when we are all permanently interconnected digitally, the line between our working life and our private life is becoming increasingly blurred. We can find a balance when both areas of our life are flexibly interlocked with each other and we focus on healthy personal connections to other people.

At the Potsdam Science Park, many opportunities have been created to achieve this: using your lunch break for a round of sports, meditating at the nearby lake, calmly working because you know your child is being well taken care of at the Campus Kindergarten or meeting old and new friends at our community events. As the network hub of all the partners at the Potsdam Science Park, we support you in taking good care of yourself.

STADTRADELN: Team "Potsdam Science Park" takes to the pedals

From September 9 to 29, 2024, Potsdam Science Park will participate in the international cycling campaign “STADTRADELN” of the Climate Alliance. Together, we are helping to make Potsdam even more climate-friendly and its citizens even fitter. Pedal together with us and secure your place in our team now. You can find all information about the campaign, the registration and the procedure in our Download Center.


Health Workshops 2024

Health Workshops 2024: Resilience at Lunch

Am Mühlenberg 11, 14476 Potsdam

Join us for an engaging lunchtime event designed for young academics eager to strengthen their resilience in the face of personal and societal challenges. ‘Resilience at Lunch’ invites you to discuss and discover key insights into psychological resilience, a crucial skill in today’s complex world. Our psychologist, Jörg Bergmann, will…


Health Workshops 2024: Hochprozessierte vs unverarbeitete Lebensmittel: Warum selbst kochen gesund ist

Online via Zoom

Aufgrund des Alltagsstresses verbunden mit Zeitdruck, konsumieren wir häufig Fertigprodukte. Viele dieser Fertigprodukte enthalten jedoch viel Salz und einfache Zucker. In diesem Vortrag gehen wir auf die Vor- und Nachteile von hochprozessierten (oftmals Fertigprodukte) und unverarbeiteten Lebens-mitteln ein und zeigen, warum „selber kochen“ gesünder sein kann und auch nicht teurer…


Health Workshops 2024: Highly processed vs unprocessed foods: Why cooking at home is healthy

Online via Zoom

Due to the stress of everyday life combined with time pressure, we often consume convenience products. However, many of these convenience products contain a lot of salt and simple sugars. In this presentation, we look at the advantages and disadvantages of highly processed (often ready-made) and unprocessed foods and show…


First Aid Training

Am Mühlenberg 12, 14476 Potsdam

In the first aid training of Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e. V. (regional association Potsdam-Mittelmark-Fläming), you will learn how to behave at the scene of an emergency – from making an emergency call and removing a helmet to the stable side position and stopping life-threatening bleeding. In addition, the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e. V. team…


Blutspende | GO:IN2

GO:IN2, Am Mühlenberg 10, 14476 Potsdam

Eine Terminbuchung bis zum 23. September ist nach wie vor zwingend erforderlich. Sie erfolgt ausschließlich über die Buchungs-Website des DRK: Blutentnahme findet im GO:IN2 statt.Voraussetzungen vom GesetzgeberBringen Sie zur Spende unbedingt eines der aufgeführten Personaldokumente mit Lichtbild mit, um sich auszuweisen:Deutsche StaatsangehörigkeitReisepassPersonalausweisEU-FührerscheinEU-Bürger oder Schweizer mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland (Sprachniveau…


Health Programs at your Employer

While the location management at Potsdam Science Park offers a health program open to all employees at the park, many companies offer inhouse health programs too. They run under the label of a so called “Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement” and are mostly organized by the HR-team or a specific team. Please find here a document with all contact persons at the institutes, which offer this service.

Sex- and Gender-sensitive Health

A matter close to our heart is the topic of sex- and gender-sensitive health. This medical approach recognizes that a person’s biological sex and learned behavior in connection to their gender influences their disease pattern. We strive to actively integrate sex- and gender-sensitive aspects into our health management approach. Please find here some ressources to dive deeper into the topic.


This website is provided by the Bundesforum Männer (Federal Forum for Men) – Interest Association for Boys, Men and Fathers. It is a non-governmental umbrella organisation for German organisations working with boys, men and fathers.


"Why we need gender-sensitive medicine"

Medicine is quite unfair, because to this day it often does not consider people as individuals. The interview provides answers to how biological and socio-cultural differences in relation to health and illness should be taken into account in the future and how we can make the best possible provision for our health.

Disclaimer: Full article only available in German

Press Release

Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

We’ve all seen the movie scenes where a man gasps, clutches his chest and falls to the ground. In reality, a heart attack victim could easily be a woman, and the scene may not be that dramatic.


Academic Sports Center at University of Potsdam

The University of Potsdam, and specifically the Academic Sports Center, is our cooperation partner for more movement at Potsdam Science Park and other health services. It offers in-person sports courses as well as OnlineFlex tickets. The offer is supplemented by on-demand sports courses as well as relaxation and nutrition podcasts. Some courses are also held in English.

Adobe Stock | © Elnur

Your moving break!

In order to counteract a lack of movement at the workplace and the associated musculoskeletal complaints, the Academic Sports Center has come up with something very special for employees: an active 15-minute online break during working hours.

Pexels | © Karolina Grabowska


For the first time, the Academic Sports Center offers all online courses combined in one ticket, giving you maximum flexibility. You don’t have to commit to one course a week, but can take part in 15 sports courses at different times of the day from Monday to Saturday. Depending on what you’re in the mood for, you can either relax, mobilize or work out. So put together your own individual training plan and decide for yourself when you want to take part in which course in order to achieve your personal goals.


Who is allowed to participate in the health program of the Site Management Golm?

The health program is available to all employees of our contractual partners at Potsdam Science Park—this includes the campus Golm of the University of Potsdam, the Fraunhofer campus, the Max-Planck-campus, the Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv and all companies at GO:IN, GO:IN2 and H-Lab.

Am I as a student/employee of the University of Potsdam allowed to participate in the workshops?

Yes, because the campus Golm is an integral part of the Potsdam Science Park.

How much do I have to pay to participate in the workshops?

The workshops are mostly free of charge thanks to our partners, the healthcare insurances TK and BARMER.

The workshops don't fit into my schedule. Is there a possibility to participate anyway?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to make the workshop hours fit  everybody´s needs. Some workshops will be offered as a stream for 14 days.

Are only online workshops available?

Yes, in most cases. The online format offers the greatest flexibility due to different living and working locations. Furthermore our room capacities are limited.

Are the workshops recorded?

Depending on the wishes of the trainer and the topic, the workshops are recorded. Some topics require more privacy and therefore won´t be recorded in order to make participants and the trainer feel safe.

Do I have to switch on my camera during the workshops?

We would appreciate it, if you would switch on your camera as we want to create a social atmosphere even in the online space. However, in the end it is the decision of each individual on how to deal it.

How long is the recording available?

In general, the recording is available for 14 days after the workshop.

Why don't you organize one health day per year?

We would like to allow as many employees as possible to use our service. Therefore, a variety of workshops throughout the year is much more convenient.

Do you organize sports classes as well?

The Academic Sports Center of the University of Potsdam offers a great variety of sports classes during the semester and holidays. Their program is available to all employees at the Potsdam Science Park as well. Please check your status group before registering.

May I send you recommendations or wishes for future workshops?

Of course! We are very happy, if you send your wish/recommendation to


Our Partners


    Techniker stands for digital progress. Our pioneering services make us your innovative healthcare partner. That’s why we have been named the best German health insurance company for the 17th time in a row (Focus-Money 7/2023).

    Our support team is there for you in person, by phone, chat or app with helpful information. This creates clarity and saves time so that you can concentrate on your actual tasks.


    BARMER is known for its reliable and comprehensive healthcare that always meets the needs of its members. With a wide range of individual healthcare services and innovative digital offerings, it sets standards in the healthcare industry. Members benefit from personal and competent advice that offers security and trust in all health matters.


Do you have a recommendation or would you like to give us feedback? I look forward to your e-mail!

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