Congratulations: Fraunhofer Scientists Win This Year’s CITY CYCLING Competition!

The CITY CYCLING campaign in Potsdam from September, 9th to 29th was a complete success for the “Potsdam Science Park” team. The participants cycled 14,329 km on roads and cycle paths in and around Potsdam, saving 2,378,5 kg of CO₂ compared to car drivers. In the overall ranking, we ended up in 12th place in the state capital Potsdam.

We are happy about the great team performance of all 64 cyclists and congratulate the winners!

First place went to a scientist from the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology, Branch Bioanalytics and Bioprocesses IZI-BB, second place in the Potsdam Science Park team went to a scientist from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP, and third place was won by a scientist from the Fraunhofer IZI-BB.

1st place – Dr Marcus Menger, Fraunhofer IZI-BB (1.102,3 km)
2nd place – Dr Hannes Hinneburg, Fraunhofer IAP (1.000,7 km)
3rd place – Dr Marie Flechner, Fraunhofer IZI-BB (683 km)


The annual CITY CYCLING is a competition in which the aim is to cycle as many daily trips and errands as possible in a climate-friendly way for 21 days. It doesn’t matter whether you already cycle every day or have rarely cycled before. Every kilometer counts – especially if you would have otherwise used the car.

What is it all for?

In large German cities, 40-50% of trips by car are less than five kilometers long. Distances that can easily be covered by bicycle. Overall, it is estimated that around 30% of car rides in urban areas could be replaced by cycling (Federal Environment Agency 2021). During the campaign, you take on the perspective of the cyclist and find out where the municipality is already bicycle-friendly and where improvements still need to be made. CITY CYCLING is a campaign of the Climate Alliance. The Climate Alliance is a network of European municipalities in partnership with indigenous peoples that develops local responses to global climate change.

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