© Martin Jehnichen

Eating and Shopping

It’s lunchtime! Several canteens and cafés in the Potsdam Science Park offer delicious meals and snacks. When the weather is nice, outdoor areas invite you to sit in the open air. And if you want to do some quick shopping for dinner or breakfast, there are several bakeries and supermarkets in Golm and the surrounding area.


© Bergstein

Canteen on the Max Planck Campus

The Max Planck Campus canteen offers a wide variety of cuisine from Widynski & Roick. There are large and small delicacies for every palate made fresh every day.

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© Martin Jehnichen

Canteen of University of Potsdam

The University Mensa is nestled under the archways on the Golm campus.

The large terrace is a popular meeting place for eating and relaxing.
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© Martin Jehnichen

Canteen at the Fraunhofer Campus

In addition to a daily changing lunch menu, the canteen offers breakfast from 8 am. There is also a salad bar, snacks, desserts, sweets and daily changing special menus. The canteen is open to the public.

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Located at the station Golm, the STELLWERK offers a variety of dishes to enjoy dinner with colleagues.

It opens daily at 5 p.m.
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Golm Dönerhaus

The Golm Dönerhaus offers Döner, french fries, salads and burgers daily from 10 a.m. until 9.30 p.m..

The truck is located on the place besides Golm station

CONVINI Refridgerator at GO:IN

CONVINI offers fresh and frozen lunch meal options, snacks, icecream, chocolate bars etc. in a digital fridge, which is located in the foyer at GO:IN.

To use the fridge you need to set up a profile in the app and therefore will be able to open the door with their barcode. The GO:IN building closes it´s doors at around 7 p.m. every weekday and is closed on weekends.
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© Standortmanagement Golm GmbH

REWE Supermarket & Bakery THONKE

In addition to meals offered by the canteens or mensa, food and daily necessities can be purchased at the REWE supermarket and Bäckerei THONKE.

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Netto Supermarkets

Netto is a supermarket chain in Germany, which split at some pont. That´s why there are two types of Netto in Potsdam-Eiche, the district next to Golm.
You will notice, that they have different designs (yellow/black or yellow/red) and offer slightly different ranges of groceries.

Netto Marken-Discount | Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 97

Netto – Günstig. Besser. Für dich | Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 140

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