Our Vision
We live science. We make the Potsdam Science Park one of the most important innovation centres in the capital region. We connect research and business and drive the transfer of innovative ideas into application – to shape a future worth living. In this way, we are creating a strong innovation community at the heart of the Potsdam-Golm district.
Potsdam-Golm, Summer 2035
The district has grown with the research institutes, new companies and the Golm campus of the University of Potsdam. In the years 2021-2025, around 52,000 square metres of new laboratory and office space have been created in Potsdam Science Park and numerous science-based and research-oriented companies have settled here.
What is it like to live and work here?
Scientist in the year 2035 [name not (yet) known to the editors]:
“I am a scientist and work here in the Potsdam Science Park in a company that specialises in products for drug development. I have been living with my family not far from the companies and research institutes in Golm-Nord for a few months now. My home is in a neighbourhood of houses built from wood and other renewable raw materials. There are only a few parking spaces here; instead, as residents, we benefit from small self-catering gardens on our doorstep. The retirement community in our building, where my mother lives, also benefits from this. Our children go to the new university school in Golm-Nord. The school is designed as a laboratory school with innovative learning and teaching concepts. In order for it to be built here, a lot had to be set in motion first.
I used to live in Berlin-Steglitz myself. I was able to commute easily from there by train. But moving to Golm-Nord has made things even easier. I now cycle to work every day. I also pass a neighbourhood garage, where small shops sell everyday goods on the lower floors. On Mondays, I meet up here in the small Italian espresso bar with colleagues who live in the neighbouring district of Bornstedt and come to Golm by tram.
The tram has been stopping right in the centre of Golm for some time now. Thanks to the good public transport connections – and not least the new neighbourhood car park – it has also been possible to largely free the Potsdam Science Park from motor vehicle traffic by 2035, and the new crossing of the railway at Golm-Nord will also relieve the district. This has made it much quieter for us as residents. In addition, many of the car parks have been converted into playgrounds and recreational areas with benches and a pleasant atmosphere. As a result, we don’t just spend our lunch breaks here, but also sit outside together in the evening after work or at the weekend. Golmer Mitte has now become a lively district centre with a number of small shops. It was a strategic decision not to locate any retail chains here. The aim was to strengthen the retail sector in particular and establish social projects that are specifically promoted by the city.
The House of Innovation with its multifunctional event area and open space is used very frequently.The institutes from the Science Park present research innovations here and use the premises as a place for dialogue between business and science.Recently, the local advisory council has also been holding regular meetings in the new rooms and various courses for local people are organised in the evenings.Scientists and employees from the institutes are also often present.From the roof of the building, you can look out over the Potsdam Science Park and the old village centre of Golm with its two churches all the way to Lake Zernsee.”
Contact Persons
Would you like to know more about our vision for the site or help shape its future? Please feel free to contact us!

Agnes von Matuschka
Managing Director
agnes.matuschka@potsdam-sciencepark.de +49 331 237 351 135
Anja Lauterbach
Office Management & Site Development
anja.lauterbach@potsdam-sciencepark.de +49 331 237 351 135