Great Prospects – Rooftop Pitch Potsdam 2022 on May 16
This year’s Rooftop Pitch Potsdam will take place on 16 May 2022. The Potsdam pitch event offers start-ups with innovative founding concepts a great opportunity to pitch and a suitable forum for networking with investors — plus a fantastic view over the rooftops of the beautiful State Capital Potsdam. Get in touch to join us at Potsdam’s Science Floor “Wissenschaftsetage” in the Bildungsforum Potsdam.
From February 28 to April 8, 2022, startup founders from Potsdam and Brandenburg can apply to pitch to get a spot at Rooftop Pitch Potsdam 2022. The selected startup teams will meet VCs, business angels and other investors on May 16. Startups from all industries – from biotechnology to photonics, from healthcare to gaming, from nutrition to energy and media/ICT – can apply. The participating teams will meet VCs, experienced business angels, family offices and other investors on May 16.
Application for Startups
- Application period: February 28 to April 8, 2022
- Application open for: Startups from science/university or innovative team startups.
- To apply by April 8: Complete the application form linked here and email to anmeldung@potsdam-sciencepark.de
- Information on acceptance: In the beginning of May via email.
- Add-on: Pitch Training for all start-ups on April 29, registration here
For Investors
As an Investor, do you support startups in early-stage financing and are you interested in current startups in and around the capital? Then the Rooftop Pitch Potsdam 2022 is the right place for you!
- Registration for Investors starts on February 28, 2022
- To register until May 13, 2022 please follow this link
The Pitch – The Founding Idea in Four Minutes
- We will start with an inspiring startup talk above the rooftops of Potsdam.
- Afterwards, the participating startups will each present their startup ideas in 4 minutes.
- Another 4 minutes offer the opportunity to answer the investors’s questions.
- After the pitches we will switch over to networking and end the day together with food, beer and a great view!
Note: During the event, all the required distancing and hygiene measures will be observed. If the event cannot take place as a face-to-face event due to the Corona pandemic, we will connect you and the investors in a digital edition of the Rooftop Pitch Potsdam 2022.
Rooftop Pitch Potsdam 2022 — At a Glance
- Event: Rooftop Pitch Potsdam 2022
- What: Presentation of startups from science/university and innovative team foundations.
- Date: Monday, May 16, 2022
- Time: 17:00-21:00 h
- Venue: “Wissenschaftsetage” at the “Bildungsforum Potsdam”
- To participate: application for startups /registration for investors recquired
Organizers and Partners of the Rooftop Pitch Potsdam
The Rooftop Pitch Potsdam is organised by the Standortmanagement Golm GmbH (Location Management) in Potsdam Science Park and the Economic Development Department of the State Capital Potsdam and supported by Knappworst Steuerberatung. Partners of Rooftop Pitch Potsdam are:Partners of the Rooftop Pitch Potsdam 2022 are:
- Potsdam Transfer
- State Capital Potsdam
- Knappworst Steuerberatung (Tax Consultants)
- School of Entrepreneurship – Hasso Plattner Institute
- Economic Development Brandenburg GmbH (WFBB)
- Business Angels Club Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
- MediaTech Hub Accelerator
The Rooftop Pitch Potsdam and the projects of Standortmanagement Golm GmbH in the Potsdam Science Park are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Federal State of Brandenburg.
All Information about the Rooftop Pitch Potsdam on this page.