Termine der Startup Academy 2020

Die Seminare und Workshops der Startup Academy richten sich an gründungsinteressierte Wissenschaftler*innen und Absolvent*innen der Institute im Potsdam Science Park sowie Gründer*innen und Teams von Start-ups, die sich am Forschungsstandort in Potsdam-Golm in der Gründung ihres Unternehmens befinden. In wöchentlichen Workshops erfahren Sie von Expert*innen aus erster Hand alles Wichtige rund um das Thema Gründung. Vom Pitch Training über Design Thinking, vom Business Model bis hin zu Marketing und PR für Start-ups und zur Vorbereitung von Förderanträgen. Die Veranstaltungen finden in englischer Sprache statt. Teilnehmer*innen erhalten jeweils ein Zertifikat.


About: The Startup Academy is a programme for scientists and entrepreneurs at Potsdam Science Park. Participants will receive a workshop certificate. All spring-workshops will be repeated in autumn 2020. All sessions will be held in English and do not build on each other – in this way we ensure you can register for each module individually. All workshops take place at the GO:IN Golm Innovation Center (Seminar Room), Am Mühlenberg 11, 14476 Potsdam.

February 21st, 2020
Methods! Customer-Oriented Development and Problem Solving for Startups
An Introduction to Lean Startup, Scrum and Design Thinking
9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. | GO:IN building

Set free your team’s full potential and steer your enterprise through the rapids of changing markets, customer demands and product development. This workshop provides you with a new set of methods: integrating Design Thinking, Lean Startup or Scrum into your routines will help you to promote team creativity, boost productivity and overcome obstacles with new ideas. Learn how to work out specific solutions by analyzing user needs, testing ideas and producing prototypes. Your newly gained knowledge and a hands-on mentality will enable you to leave „dusty routines“ and implement changes to your workflow. There will be time for questions and answers – feel free to bring along your own questions or use your specific project or challenge as an example.

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February 28th, 2020
Business ABC – Enterprises, Startups & Enconomy
Fundamental Terms and Concepts for Founders
9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. | GO:IN building

There is a range of terms and business concepts entrepreneurs should be familiar with before taking the plunge into business. Which type of enterprise should you choose or rule out in the beginning? What are the main responsibilities of the managing director and who should write the balance? Are there obligations for startups in terms of business documentation and deadlines to be met? This seminar provides you with a comprehensive overview on typical founder’s scenarios. Come round and learn how to tackle first startup-moves.

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March 6th, 2020
Business Model Canvas               
Develop your business idea on one page
9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. | GO:IN building

The core of any company or startup is a coherent entrepreneurial concept. The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is an increasingly popular instrument to visualize business models and review the market fitness of startups. In this workshop we will introduce you to two types of BMC visualization. Learn how to use these as a tool to define key performance indicators – depending on your needs. Additional tips on in-depth market research and how devise a decision matrix will help you to establish a scalable system for businesses and future projects.

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March 13th, 2020
Storytelling for Scientists       
Wrapping Scientific Research in a Professional Story
9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. | GO:IN building

Storytelling is a powerful tool: Scientific facts can be presented in a variety of story models to create memorable pieces of information for your audience. Kick off with a new narration and discover instruments that enable you to present your research or startup in better way. This workshop will help you to use storytelling as a meaningful tool in digital and printed media as well as face-to-face events. Learn to set communication goals, define target groups and design core messages that will stick in other peoples minds. Best practice examples and bits of communication theory will help you obtain an overview of storytelling in science and business communication – and finally nominate the “story of the day”.

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March 20th, 2020
Legal Aspects of Startups
Finding Your Way through German Bureaucracy
9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. | GO:IN building

Founding a company in Germany can be a difficult matter if you are not familiar with the subject. What kind of companies do exist under German Law? Which specific type of company fits to my individual business idea? What is important when it comes to tax? In this seminar, we will highlight first possible steps. Learn how to get a startup up and running. From business creation to competition law and intellectual property: This workshop will provide you with a fundamental knowledge of the German Court System and typical legal proceedings. Get to know essential paragraphs of legal contracts and take a closer look at typical buerocratic procedures with suppliers, employees or customers. After an overview about the German tax system and tax authorities, we will find the time to take a closer look at relevant laws for German companies. We will wrap up this session with some basics of accounting, annual balancing as well as income tax, VAT and other tax laws.

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March 27th, 2020
Project Management   
Setting Focus: Startup Priorities in Day-to-Day Business
9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. | GO:IN building

In order reach targets in day-to-day business it is essential for startups to set priorities right. This seminar will adress general processes of decision-making and management. We will point out central strategies for leaders and project managers to improve their skills. You will learn to make use of a variety of management tools and methods (i.e. to-do-lists, OKRs, KANBAN, GANTT or Scrum) to stay ahead of business. Group discussions and examples will help you to define and prioritize targets as well as efficiently assign roles and tasks to make measurable progress.

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April 3rd, 2020
From Research to Market
Transforming Your Research Results Into a Business Idea
9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. | GO:IN building

Your projects do not move forward and implementing new ideas usually consumes way too much time? This can be changed. Early optimization and detailed project plans from bench to launch are a prerequisite for success – and they save time and money. We show you how to adjust your startup. This workshop takes into focus the specialist teams of all diciplines between laboratory and analytics, production and law. Learn how to orchestrate the distribution of tasks to ensure maximum synergy – from the early stages of regulatory studies to the scaling of production and distribution.

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April 24th, 2020
Public Relations for Entrepreneurs      
Let The World Know You Are The Expert
9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. | GO:IN building

Public Relations and Communications play a key role in promoting your startup and highlighting your portfolio to potential business partners, contractors or product buyers. To stick out from the masses, entrepreneurs need to know their tools and position themselves as network-compatible partners with a significant amount of expertise. But what marks a good PR strategy? Where can Social Media add value and what are the key bits of information to attract journalists and editors when publishing? This workshop will provide you with a range of communication tools and strategies to set your products, research or services apart from those of other market participants.

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May 8th, 2020
Leadership & Team Management  
Why Your Team Should Be Smarter Than Yourself
9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. | GO:IN building

What if your team does not feel like one? Help them to improve! There are numerous things that can go wrong when joining together a team – especially in startups, where processes and team relations are still forming. Note: In order to lead your startup company to success, you need to stay on top of things and think ahead. In this workshop you will gain essential knowledge on collaboration and team dynamcis. You will learn to define roles (Belbin) and team-up employees by integrating diverse personalities and team members. Our expert will draw your attention to common mistakes as well as communication errors and show you how to optimize processes.

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May 15th, 2020
Funding opportunities and investments
Meet Representatives to Common Funding Programmes and Investors
9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. | GO:IN building

You self-financing your own startup is completely out of question? This workshop provides you with an an overview of different opportunities from public funding to Venture Capital. In a brief summary our experts will outline different system of funding, entry requirements and cases of application. We will make sure all your questions will be answered: Take the opportunity to arrange a time slot during lunch for your individual meetup with the funding and investment experts.

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Futher Events and Workshops

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