
3 questions with the innoFSPEC transfer lab: »Cutting-edge research does not find its way into practice naturally. Its transfer has to be fostered.«

The innoFSPEC transfer lab is dedicated to transferring knowledge from science to industry. At the lab, researchers and innovation departments of industrial companies meet to jointly test and further develop the application of latest research results, as well as to bring new products and technologies to market maturity. In our interview, research associate Dr. Anne…
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3 questions with Roche subsidiary Signature Diagnostics GmbH: »Our employees and their expertise are our most important success factor«

Since August 2023, the Roche Group has found a place in the Potsdam Science Park through its subsidiary, Signature Diagnostics GmbH, becoming an important anchor company in the fields of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. Together with Signature’s Managing Director, Dr Ruediger Ridder, and Agnes von Matuschka, Managing Director of Standortmanagement Golm GmbH in the Science Park,…
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3 questions with Ordinary Seafood: »In the market for fish and seafood alternatives, we’re breaking completely new ground«

The way we hunt our seafood and farm our fish is harmful to animals, their natural habitats and our health. Ordinary Seafood has set out to develop vegan alternatives, that feel and taste exactly like the original. In our interview, founder and CEO Dr. Anton Pluschke and Head of R&D Dr. Fabian Machens share their start-up story, why Potsdam…
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3 questions with POROUS: “The opportunity to contribute to the health of many people around the world is our driver. It is also what convinced the jury”

For its work in early osteoporosis detection, poroUS GmbH, based in Potsdam Science Park, is receiving funding of €2.5 million through the European Innovation Council Accelerator Grant. In our interview, CEO Julia Eschenbrenner and CTO Jonas Massmann explain how they managed to stand out during the application process and what opportunities the funding will provide…
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3 questions with Enverque: »With pocket diagnostics, we have created a fast, reliable and diagnostically conclusive personal health solution«

Enverque covers every step in the diagnostics process for its customers, from sampling to laboratory testing to evaluation. In this way, the company helps bring about improvements in cancer and HIV treatments, for instance. With the Enver app, Enverque is now seeking to provide a “pocket GP” and thus make a major contribution to improving…
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3 Questions with Mimi-Q: »We Can Develop Drugs More Quickly and Effectively at a Lower Cost – without Using Animal Testing«

Animal testing continues to play a key role in the approval of new drugs. The startup Mimi-Q has developed a testing process that closes the gap between basic research and clinical studies. In future, it may also start to replace these tests and thus greatly reduce their use. In this interview, founder Dr. Andrey Poloznikov…
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