The Postdam Science Park consists of research institutes, start-up´s, companies and the campus Golm of the University of Potsdam. We offer many services to all employees and students, while others are only available to the employees of our contractual partners. Please learn more about our range of services.
After Work Beer
Meet up with your Potsdam Science Park community: Join our next event in casual atmosphere at the GO:IN building and get to know fellow scientists, various startups teams, employees from next door and the site management team!
Up to 750 young scientists from all over the world come to work at the Potsdam Science Park every year. Did you decide to build a long-term future in your new home while working here? Or you accompanied your partner to Potsdam and are in search of your own career...
In the Potsdam Science Park, excellent scientists meet research-orientated companies and numerous start-ups. More than 12,500 people create an inspiring environment here in Potsdam-Golm to lift future solutions and innovations off the ground. As an international reknown research location and growing innovation centre in Germany's capital region, the Potsdam Science...
The Potsdam Science Park builds bridges between cutting-edge research, teaching and industry. We support scientists in transferring their expertise to industry as well as in developing and successfully implementing startup ideas. Startups will find space for ideas in our GO:IN Innovation and Startup Space and benefit from our extensive network...
The area around the Potsdam Science Park is very popular. It is green, quite and offers some amazing recreational spaces. The close by Great Zernsee and the woods around help to slow down from work. You can enjoy hiking, bike riding, swimming or kayaking at the Wublitz. Furthermore the old...
In the Lunch & Learn format, present and past actors of the Potsdam Science Park provide valuable insights into current research topics, successful jobs outside academia and their journeys as company founders.