Career & Startup

October 2024

Funding Programmes and Loans Q&A—ILB and WFBB Consultation

Online - Link will be shared ahead of the meeting

Would you like to find out about funding programmes, loans and other financial support for companies in Brandenburg? Are you looking for a new location in Brandenburg and need support with networking in the German capital region?In this consultation, we will provide information on funding programmes, loan options and put…


How To Ask Investors for Funding? – Q&A Two Experienced Venture Capital Experts Answer Your Questions

Online - Link will be shared ahead of the event

Are you interested in raising capital from investors, venture capitalists or business angels? Would you like to know the expectations and requirements of different investors and what this means for your startup team? Are you wondering whether a business angel or VC is the right partner? Two experienced venture capital…


EXIST Q&A: From Science to Start-up

Online -Link will be shared ahead of the appointment

Advice from an EXIST Consultant at the University of PotsdamDo you have a start-up idea but don’t know exactly how to get started? Do you want to find out how you can finance your project and what support the University of Potsdam has to offer? Let the team at Potsdam…


November 2024

PSP Academy: German Tax law for Startups

Online. Link will be shared ahead of the talk

Learn What Really Is ImportantThis workshop will give you an overview of the German tax system and tax authorities. Besides that, we will take a closer look at relevant tax laws for German companies. We will wrap up this session with some basics of accounting, annual balancing as well as…


IP: Intellectual Property Law Q&A — Patent Right Transfer and Negotiation Transfer Challenges

online -Link will be shared ahead of the appointment

Did you secure an IP at your institute and would like to transfer it to your startup or company? Or are you faced with the decision to secure an IP-right and would like to clarify the rules and guidelines of your institute in advance? Would you like to know what…
